Your Money Story

We all have a money story.

That story includes how we have spent money in the past and how we learned hard lessons about money and about how much money we have earned or how much we haven’t earned.

And this is important because it gives us clues about what we are thinking about money.

But what is most important is your relationship with money right now.

There is so much baggage that goes along with you and money.How much do you have?
What does that mean about you?

You may have $100,000 and think you hit the lottery.  Or you may have $100,000 and think that it’s possible you will be a bag lady within a year.

You get to decide in your head what money means.

Because money isn’t real. Money is an agreement we have all made to assign a value to a piece of paper.  Or a plastic card.  Or some numbers on a computer screen.

And talking and thinking about money is fascinating because it’s really ultimately about worthiness and values.

It’s a story.

Your story.

And the really cool part is that you can write the money story of your future.

Write it down for real.

And then take the first step to make that story a reality.

Each day take another little step.

Big change can happen with tiny steps.

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