Feminism and Money

We are taught that a man is going to financially support us.
“Men bring home the bacon.”
“Men are better at handling the money.”
“Men are better at math.”

Sometimes people tell us these things, but more often it is simply what we observe.

If in every family you know the man handles the money, that’s what you know.

It’s harder to fight something that isn’t even put into words.  
It’s harder to fight something you learn through osmosis… from just absorbing the example that’s around you.

It becomes “just how things are.”

If someone were to ask you if men are better than women, you would say, “No. Of course not.”

But your actions may contradict what your brain spits out.

Do you have equal say where the money is spent?
Where the money is invested?
Do you know where all the important papers are?

It takes more effort to assert yourself and be part of the money decisions than it takes to sit back and let someone else handle it.
I get it.

But when we become conscious and engaged we become aware of the inequalities between men and women and their money.

It takes effort, but it’s not hard.

You can start with something as small as an off-hand conversation or as big as raising your prices or asking for a raise.

It’s time to become conscious and engaged.

But it all has to start with awareness.

Men are not better.
Just different.
And we can do different.

Take the tiny step of deciding things are going to be different.

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