Pretending About Money

Most of us pretend about money.
Pretend we make more.
Pretend we make less.

We are hiding from ourselves and our money truth
and other people.

Money is a taboo subject.
We don’t want to talk about it in public.
Or even in private.

We make money mean that we are worthy.
Or not worthy.

We say things like, “I can’t afford that.”
Or, “It’s ok, I can afford it.”

We worry about other people judging us by what we spend.

The size of our house.
The trips we go on.
The way we tip.
What we wear.

It’s exhausting.
Trying to pretend that we have more money.

Or pretending we have less money.
We don’t want to be thought of as stuck up.
We don’t want to feel pressured to pick up the bill.

When we pretend, we are lying to ourselves.
Because we think the truth hurts.

But the truth never hurts.

Tell yourself the truth.

And tell the truth to the people who have earned the right to hear your truth.

When you speak your money truth, 
shame dissolves 
and you don’t have to hide.
Your whole body can secretly unclench.

And that feels a whole lot better than pretending.

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