Cleaning Out The Clutter

Magazines, old exercise equipment, old bills and clothes that don’t fit.

It all had to go.

These were things that cluttered my life.
I couldn’t open one of my closet doors because it was stuffed so full of things I thought I might use but never have.

When I had a friend over last week, I took the extra magazines and buckets and games and jammed them into my utility room so I wouldn’t be embarrassed.  

And while I’m not shaming myself for having clutter, I don’t want to have to hide anything in my life.

I don’t want to feel ashamed if someone pops in for a visit.

My stuff was getting in the way of living the life I wanted.

Since I wanted to get my financial house in order, I needed to get my actual house in order.

Because how you do one thing is how you do everything.

I was hanging onto a lot of stuff because I thought I might need it in the future.

I thought I might not find it in the stores again if I needed to replace it.
And I thought I shouldn’t spend the money to buy it a second time.

I have all sorts of painful thoughts that apply to my house and my money.

I thought that keeping a lot of my Grandmother’s things would ensure that I remember her often.
Instead there is so much clutter that I just see a mess instead of a few individual beloved things I cherish.

These are the same types of thoughts that are keeping me from more abundance in my financial life.

I keep paying the gym membership so that I don’t have to pay the initiation fee a second time when I really do start going regularly.

I have two cars for this very reason.
I keep my old car cluttering up the driveway in case my new car breaks down. And I pay double in insurance and upkeep.

The clutter that I keep around so I don’t risk losing money is costing me more money.

Both in my house and my money life, I sometimes operate from a place of scarcity.
And that creates clutter.
And clutter creates more scarcity.

I know it seems counterintuitive, but having things can create scarcitywhen there is too much stuff.

The key is having the right things.

Have only the stuff in your home that has a purpose and fills you with joy and supports the feelings you want to have in your home.

The same thing goes for your financial life.

Only spend money on things that give you the feelings you want deep down.

Let the rest go from your life.

And if having the thing makes you feel scarce, take a hard pass.

You will be surprised how much easier life is when you don’t hold onto things because of fear.

And who doesn’t want easier?

Is your house in order?

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