An Inappropriate Wedding Gift

My mother thought it was inappropriate for my sister to give me a set of investing  workbooks for my wedding.  

I thought it was the best gift ever.

I had been asking my sister about the best way to invest.  Her company gave out this set of workbooks that allow you to personalize and take charge of your own investing.
You take a quiz to determine your risk as well and it teaches you an overall strategy to invest in mutual funds.  

Perfect for me.

It was a woman teaching a woman about money.
Sharing her wisdom.


Perhaps the most interesting part is that my mother would think it was an inappropriate wedding gift.

Would a gravy boat serve me better?

Would a set of china secure my future?

The investing I have done has secured a retirement for my husband and I.
Having a clear plan for how to invest has eliminated any bickering or fighting as we would surely have argued about it otherwise.

I think it is a very loving, useful and bountiful wedding gift.
And it has paid off 110 fold.

People give money as a wedding gift.

Why not give a way to make our lives gloriously abundant as a gift?

I would sign up for that ten times over.

Thanks, Gayle.

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