I am originally from Pittsburgh, Pa.  It still forms my view of the world. Pittsburgh feels like home in a deep way and resonates with me some 40 years after I moved south. 

I grew up saying “you guys” when I talked about a group of people. That still feels right because it’s so ingrained in all my neural pathways. 

But in recent years I have started saying “y’all”. 

I have always liked the word y’all.
It’s so useful.It’s one syllable.
It feels warm and inclusive. 

But the reason I changed is that the word “guys” usually refers to men. 

There are a thousand little ways our culture defers to men. 

We are used to men being in power. Are 50% of American Presidents women?
What?!? Not one?!? (Yes, this is thinly veiled sarcasm.) 

Men tend to handle the big money decisions.Men tend to make the investing decisions.
Women earn 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. 

We are used to men making the money and handling the money. 

And yet, studies have found that the average woman’s investment strategy and eventual performance tends to be more stable than the average man’s.

A 2021 Fidelity study found that women investors are outperforming men. 

So, I’m changing from “you guys” to “y’all”.

 Because we change a patriarchy by untangling all the ways we defer to men one neural pathway… one thought… at a time. 

Even when it seems like a small thing.
Because that’s how you eat an elephant… one bite at a time. 

I haven’t thrown away my roots.
I’m growing new, intentional roots. 

I grew up in Pittsburgh… the home of Mr. Rogers.

I have heard from an early age, Mr. Rogers’ advice to children that when things are scary,

“Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

There are a lot of flavors of scary right now.
Scary wars.
Prices are soaring.
Fearmongering politics.
Serious illnesses.
Worry about having enough money for the future.

Our brains are working overtime to crank out this stuff.

I think it’s time to revisit Mr. Rogers’ comforting thought.

When things are scary, look for the helpers.

Even (especially) helpers need helpers.

How could asking for help make a difference in your life?

In a lot of ways money is power.
It is the power to say no.
It is the power to have choices.

Want to attract more power?
Do you want more resources?

Want to say “yes” more to what you want?

Do you want more peace, joy, and ease?
Because these are all aspects of power.

But the truth about becoming more powerful is that it isn’t all puppies and flowers.

There is more responsibility.
You are the custodian of power.

There are changes in relationships. You may even have a complete turnover of relationships. 

Power can attract the underbelly of society. Even if the society is just your friends.

It’s not just joy, ease, and relief.
Power is a full spectrum of good and bad. But more intense.

Power can suck.

The good news is that with the bitter, funky, spicy part of more power can come personal growth.

Are you ready for more power?