90% of MARRIED women are in charge of their money at some time in their lives. Most women let men take the lead, but through the death of their spouse or divorce, the women become in charge.

100% of SINGLE women are in charge of their money.

But the majority of women don’t have a plan for their money.
Or feel confident about managing their money.
Or feel like they can create the vision and steps towards their rich life.

Because they don’t teach about money in school.

The lessons from our parents come wrapped in stories about THEIR wins and losses.

And we all know that what our parents consider a rich life usually isn’t what WE think our ideal rich life would be.

Even in our rich culture, we are worried and stressed about money.
On a daily basis.

Want help with the emotional part of money?

Do you want to learn the next step towards your rich life?

I can help.

Click here to talk to me about it.

It’s a free call. It’s part of what I do. 

In 30 minutes and I will give you one solid action step towards your rich life.

And please send a link to this page to someone you know who is stressed about money.

It’s about women helping women.

If fear wasn’t part of the equation, how would YOUR LIFE look different?

If you weren’t afraid to look like a fool,
or start a new career,
or say, “I love you,”
or wear what you really want to wear,
or ask for a raise,
or say, “I don’t know,”
or be afraid to not be liked,
or take a big f*ing risk,
how would your life look different?

Someone who makes you feel flattered… that’s someone who has your power.

Someone whose opinion matters to us.
Someone we respect or want to emulate.

When it’s someone who routinely makes us feel less than, we are on guard.
We steel ourselves to not give that power away.

Protecting ourselves from someone trying to disrespect us is familiar territory.

But flattery is different.

We don’t throw up a wall when we feel flattered.
We lean into it.
It is a good feeling.

Changing what you think and do because of flattery is a part of people pleasing.

And people pleasing is giving away your power.

The sword cuts both ways.

Sneaky, isn’t it?