I love it when I am quoted back to me.

I had a lovely reminder this week that we create what we seek to escape.

By trying to avoid something we fear, we draw it to ourselves.

Catch 22ish.

Our thoughts, like “My kids should come home for Mother’s Day,” create feelings like hurt and sorrow, which drive us to take actions like being a little withdrawn when the kids do call, which creates the result of everyone not feeling as connected, which in turn creates even less of a chance of the kids coming home the following year.

Simply put:

CIRCUMSTANCE: My kids don’t come see me on Mother’s Day.
THOUGHT: My kids should come home for Mother’s Day. 
Creates the FEELING: Hurt.
Which creates the ACTION: I am hurt/cagey on the Mothers’ Day phone call.
Which creates the RESULT: None of us feel connected.
Which brings about the original fear… less of a chance of the kids coming home next year.

Apply it to any fear you have.

Your thoughts cause your feelings which causes your actions which creates your results.

And your results always reinforce your original thought.

Powerful stuff.

Thanks to the lovely woman who quoted this back to me, which reminded me to share the fundamentals of the work I do with you.

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