A Slow-Motion Holiday

We are in the thick of the holiday season.

Last minute gifts are being picked up.
Plans have been made.
Turkeys and sugar plums are at the ready.

Take a deep breath.
I think it’s time for a holiday pause.

Take a second deep breath.
In and out.

Imagine the family arriving for the festivities and instead of rushing to gather coats and stow packages under the tree, imagine your family and friends with the sound turned down.

All the pleasantries are just a murmur.

Tune into what it is like just to exchange energy with these humans.
Notice the softness of their skin and the brightness to their eyes.
What scent do you notice? What do you hear other than the chaos? What sounds lie beneath the clatter?

Close your eyes and imagine them coming into the room and scooping you into their arms.
Feel the hug that wraps all the way around you.

Pull them in a little tighter so they get the signal that you are really here. You are really present in that moment.

When you are having stolen moments with people you love, the holidays are not a chore.

This is the time to imagine life in slow-motion.

You can slow it down with your mind.
Soak it in.

Let the gravy burn.
Let the snow melt on the hard wood floors.

Savor the moment.

This slow-motion practice let the love sink in a little deeper.

Then, saturated with love, let it speed up again.

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