The sweet spot between ease and effort

Things are easy right now.
There is an ease to almost everything I do.

And it’s getting boring.

So I am thinking of biting off a BIG new project.

And that seems like it’s going to take a lot of effort.

The kind of effort that eventually slows me down to a slow trudge uphill through knee-high mud until I come to a grinding halt.

Neither option feels very good right now.

I am trying to find the sweet spot between ease and effort.

So, I asked myself how to move through life with creativity and curiosity and challenge while still moving with ease and flow.

How do I flow with the river rather than battle the current upstream
and yet still explore the depths of all that this life has to offer?

It is a bit of a dance.
I like to think of it as surfing a wave.

What I am trying out: Breaking it down to one small next step and asking my inner knowing if it feels like it’s in the sweet spot.

If I write one page of the book and no more, how do I feel?
If I take just one photo, how does that feel?
If I make one phone call, is that in the sweet spot?

How do you strike that balance in your life?

How does the sweet spot feel in your body?

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